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Organic Rice

Organic rice is produced without the use of fertilisers or pesticides. Simply put, organic rice is chemical-free rice that is grown organically with the help of organic farming. Organic rice is always better and healthier for the human body.

Health Benefits of Organic Rice

  • Our organic rice is high in carbohydrates, fibre, vitamin E, and magnesium.
  • Organic Rice contains carbohydrates, which Control the sugar level in your blood.
  • Organic rice contains high levels of iron, zinc, and selenium, which can help your body strengthen its immunity.
  • Organic rice contains very low contains fat, it is an ideal food choice for those who want to stay healthy.
  • Rice has numerous health benefits due to its high protein, fibre, and low-fat content.
  • organic rice is free of pesticides and fungicides, and it is high in nutrients, making it an excellent source of nutrition for your body.

Our product ranges

At OriBite, with our holistic approach and thorough practices, we ensure that every product manufactured by us is free from preservatives, higher in nutritional values and truly fits the definition of products. We are not here to greenwash. We deliver what we promise with our excellent quality products.

Get Started with your Healthy Lifestyle today!