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Honey is amongst the healthiest alternatives for sugar and has ample health benefits. However, not every kind of honey available in the market is good for your health. In today’s world of consumerism, it’s important for consumers to be informed to pick the best for themselves. Talking of honey, there are myriads of brands and various different categories of honey available in the market.
Raw honey, organic honey, regular honey, and pure honey. It’s easy to get deceived by marketing words. So here’s breaking down different types of honey labels and what you should pick.
Raw honey is not heated up to the point of pasteurization thereby preserving the enzymes, vitamins, and minerals within it. It crystallizes quickly because of its high pollen content. It tastes amazing and has higher nutritional value. Extraction of raw honey goes through minimal steps which include settling and straining. Since the least amount of chemical procedures is undertaken, raw honey possesses benefits that are valuable for your health.
Getting an organic certification for honey is quite difficult. Hence, you could rely on the label when it specifies organic honey. With organic honey, you could stay assured that there won’t be any minute traces of chemical pesticides or insecticides within it. It’s good for your health.
Organic doesn’t necessarily mean that the honey is non-processed. Always look out for the label of raw organic honey while making an important health addition to your pantry.
A large chunk of supermarket honey is pure honey. Pure honey simply means honey with no additions. Don’t make the label Pure lure you. Pure honey can be derived from bees feeding on chemically grown flowers. It isn’t always healthy. Besides, it can be pasteurized which kills necessary enzymes and nutrients. It is filtered and made suitable for supermarkets and consumer markets by adding chemicals and compounds. So pure honey is not necessarily good.
If you ask us, raw organic honey is amongst the best variants of honey you could pick for yourself. Such honey contains the benefits of unprocessed honey as well as chemically free honey. Don’t be greenwashed by labels. There are tons of organic honey brands in the market. As an informed consumer, always check the brand’s background before you believe their claims of being healthy and natural.
Also, Read 5 Benefits of Eating Organic Food for a Healthy Life
Check out Oribite online for Oribite organic honey which is derived from the finest of bees from Africa. It’s the best organic honey in India that goes through thoroughly screened processes to ensure each drop delivers the drops of heaven right into your mouth. This multiflora honey has a balanced sweet taste making it the perfect replacement for the sugars in your pantry. Shop organic honey online now.