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Sugar, as they say, is a slow poison. White refined sugar has proven itself to be harmful in various studies and research and the health industry is urging people to make a shift. While the complete removal of white sugar from our pantries might seem unfeasible, people actually have started making a shift towards alternatives. Organic raw sugar is one such alternative that is considered a good pick for adding sweetness to our food. So is it really good, especially for people suffering from Diabetes?
Let’s find out.
Organic raw sugar is derived from organic and natural sugarcane that is rich in vitamins and enzymes. They are loaded with Vitamin A, B1, and B6 and phytonutrients that aid in the digestion of naturally occurring sugars. They are processed naturally and are thereby not harmful compared to their harmful counterparts.
Organic raw sugar has ample benefits for health and here are a few for you to start replacing with refined sugar in your pantry.
No harmful pesticides are used in the growth of organic sugarcane. This will prevent any toxin adulteration in the further stage. Refined sugars have a high concentration of toxins within them because of the way they are grown and processed. Organic raw sugar is at least safe from the perspective that its chemical composition won’t harm a person.
Organic raw sugar doesn't undergo chemical treatments that might destroy the sweetness and flavor of the product. Raw organic sugar undergoes only essential treatments without any harmful adulteration, allowing its natural taste to flourish. You might not get acquainted with the taste at first, but soon you will find the enhanced flavors that are more fulfilling than refined sugar.
Oligosaccharides present in organic sugar improve your immune health and increases the flow of antioxidants in the body. This will help you with fatigue, anemia, and inflammatory diseases.
Organic sugar is packed with amino acids. Undoubtedly the carbohydrate content of organic sugar is high, after all, sugar is sugar. However, the enhanced value of Vitamin A, B1, and B6 in Organic sugar makes it perfect for a healthier transition. Moreover, fructose is present in organic raw sugar along with sucrose and glucose which will improve insulin resistance in your body.
The answer to whether organic raw sugar is good for your body is yes. As a diabetic patient, you need to cut down your sugar intake. However, replace the white sugar with refined organic sugar and cut down the intake to see actual results. You simply cannot continue to consume the same amount of sugar and expect results. But as they say, something is better than nothing.
Also Read 7 Nutritional Benefits of Cold Pressed Organic Groundnut Oil
Check out our Oribite organic raw sugar, here. It’s derived from the finest organic raw sugarcane and is processed at our facilities to bring you the highest nutritional value food content. Shop now.