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The beautiful aroma of Basmati rice could evoke foodgasm in any person. The long grains of Basmati have an unparalleled fragrance and texture. Binge guilt-free with the dishes of Organic Basmati Rice that’s low in fat and gluten-free. Basmati Rice is the source of all 8 amino acids, and folic acid and contains no cholesterol. There’s a popular myth circulating that says Basmati rice leads to obesity. Forget that. They are nutritious and packed with wonderful health benefits for the human body.
Let’s understand the health benefits of organic Basmati rice for your body.
According to Ayurveda, Basmati rice is a perfect staple grain that balances all three doshas in our bodies. It strikes a balance between Vata, Pitta and Kapha and is a satvik food grain. It maintains a balance between body and mind and helps in healing. It is nourishing and easy to digest. Moreover, the consumption of organic basmati rice helps in building body tissues.
The glycemic index of basmati rice is lower compared to other forms of rice. Moreover, it is a rich source of fibre which directly helps in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Diabetic patients can satiate their love for rice by consuming small portions of organic basmati rice.
Basmati rice is loaded with dietary fibres and Vitamin B. Moreover, it has low contents of sodium and saturated fats. It reduces bad cholesterol in your body and supports good cholesterol. It helps in the functioning of cardiac muscles by preventing fatty deposits in the heart vessels.
These magic grains are power packed with magnesium and potassium. While potassium improves circulation, magnesium relaxes the vessels. The enhanced blood flow ensures blood flow to all vital organs. The nutrients in Basmati rice helps control blood pressure.
The soluble fibres in Basmati rice ensure smooth and efficient working of your digestive system. It offers your body adequate roughage and promotes healthy digestion. It prevents constipation and gastrointestinal problems.
The complex carbs in basmati rice enhance the metabolic function of your body. It fuels your body and promotes healthy functioning of the brain. For a quick boost of energy, basmati rice could work perfectly.
There are truckload benefits of consuming organic basmati rice in your everyday life. It contains all the good qualities of basmati rice and to add on, it contains zero preservatives and chemicals. Be it mind function, body energy, heart function, blood pressure or weight management- Organic Basmati rice could be the best grain you could consume in your diet. Check out Oribite for organic foods. Shop for Orbitite’s organic basmati rice here.